Fifth Graders

Welcome future Buccaneer Band members!

Welcome to HBMS Band!

The HBMS Buccaneer Band is an award winning program that teaches leadership, teamwork, and the lifelong skill of music.  We want YOU to be a part of our band family!

Welcome to the Buccaneer Band! The HBMS Band offers our students a positive peer group focussed on supporting themselves and others to be their best. A Columbia University Study found that students in band learn to be more cooperative, more self-confident, and better able to express their ideas. As a member of our band program, your child will learn how to read music, master an instrument, and make life long friends in the process. Our band provides a safe, family atmosphere where students can take risks and challenge themselves in a supportive environment. Band provides your students a place to thrive and showcase themselves, while performing at the highest level.


The HBMS Band includes instruments from the brass, woodwind, and percussion families. Students taking Beginning Band can learn to play one of the following instruments:

Middle School Band FAQ

How do I choose an instrument? On Instrument Selection Day, our staff of expert music teachers will help you try out several instruments as you try to find an instrument that is well suited to your body and personality. Your band director will guide you through the selection process and help you to evaluate your choices as we work together to find an instrument that is a perfect fit for you!

How will I get an instrument? Some instruments, including flute, saxophone, trumpet, and trombone will be rented from a local music store like Strait Music. More expensive instruments like the bassoon, French horn, and tuba will be checked out from the school for a small maintenance fee. Instrument rental information will be available after instrument selections are made. There are many opportunitites for students and families to recieve a scholarship for their instrument.


What type of time commitment is required for Beginning Band? 99% of the Beginning Band experience takes place in class during the school day! We do not have weekly after-school rehearsals in Beginning Band. There will be two full-band rehearsals after school before each concert (December, February and May). We have many Beginning Band students who also participate in club sports, private dance studios, TexArts, and more.

Do you have more questions about joining the band? Email Mrs. Walker or call (512) 533-6433.

Instrument Videos

Click on each instrument to see a really cool demonstration of each instrument. Which ones do you like the best?!









French Horn





Snare Drum
